Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ceboxin Take With Food

Words: 100
Claim: Jacob / Leah -
Nessie Warnings: spoilers BD

Leah does not understand why the girl follows her everywhere. Nessie wants to go always with her, asking questions and telling things that interest you. Jacob says he admires her Nessie because it feels more like her than female vampires. One day the girl says that if she will be always with her, with Jacob and his family. "Jacob says as he can be immortal! Would not it be great? "Leah

then displays it. Eternity watching Jacob imprinted with Nessie ...

has never been more clear that the answer is no.

Title: The threat of Immortality 4

Race: Lycanthrope

Words: 100 Claim: Jacob / Leah Warnings : BD spoilers

Jacob knows he will never stop changing. I could not feel old to see death coming, knowing that Nessie will be there forever. Has no exit or choice.

However, he knows what that means. To be forever young while everyone who loves die. Your herd will someday


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