Title: These points that unite us.
Race: Vampire .
Words: 100
Warnings: Reference to some things BD. But if not read, I doubt you mean xD.
Characters: Eleazar / Carmen.
party inspires: This spell
That you've created
Notes: RARE . With capital letters and each letter separately. ♥
Carmen. Car-men. A two-syllable name, six letters. Carmen. A name that makes him think of the powerful red of her lips. Carmen during the day. Carmen at night. An accent so particular as a seducer, and a fresh and carefree laughter. Carmen, sweet and tóxica.
Eleazar. A vague name. Seven letters, three consonants, four members. Free and trapped at the same time. Eleazar. A unique name for a particular being. Eleazar a pawn among many, a future witness. Eleazar a traitor Mediterranean hips and kisses.
Eleazar and Carmen. Vowel, a century of consonants, for a while.
Title: Dialogue two words.
Race: Vampire .
Words: 100
Warnings: Scene loss of Breaking Dawn.
Characters: Leah / Jacob
inspires Party: Time Is Running Out
approaches. Jacob does not move, in fact, gives no sign of noticing their existence when sitting at his side. Her feet in the water, eyes open staring off into space in the forest.
"You need rest. "Ironically, it sounds more like a board order. No response, you had enough puff. It does not.
silence becomes overwhelming, his hands moving uneasily. Has no words of support or consolation, but there is no hatred to offer. Jacob wrapped his hands, stopping them.
-You also have to rest.
is only silence and the warmth of your hands.
Title: modes and forms.
Race: Vampire .
Words: 100
Warnings: Slash / / Possible references to the first chapter of BD.
Characters: Seth / Edward.
party gives inspiration: A contradiction
There are two ways to deal with a problem: the direct and indirect. A different people, different ways, polar opposites, shapes, opposites. At the end the same ... a single response.
There are two ways to deal with a problem: how to Seth, the way Edward.
Edward is the hint. The yes, no, maybe the whys. Each idea has a background and every step a thought. Not move without knowing the consequences or predict the stem of actions.
Seth is direct. Approaches, groping, sweetens and testing. Because while Edward's mind, Seth is soul.
Title: That was a game.
Race: Vampire .
Words: 100
Warnings: Possible references to the first chapter of BD.
Characters: Seth & Leah.
party gives inspiration I want to play the game
Summary: Post Eclipse . Pre BD.
was not difficult to recognize the intentions of Seth. Sitting in one of the logs from the beach, legs and sparkling eyes rolled. An old package of games for children andLXC
Race: Vampire
Words: 100
Warnings: Light reference to BD. But it's hard to understand I guess.
Characters: Edward / Leah
party inspires: This spell That you've created
not have porcelain skin. It has no eyes to remember the sea. It is the perfect figure outlined. Straight, no smiles. Is neither innocent nor fairy tale princess. Not blond and delicate as a soap bubble. Is acidic, cold and even a little annoying. Is this pimple that sticks on the soles of feet and not come out. Is there, and will not leave. Still, it's intoxicating, with her presebothers him. It is as if to protect her from something. Although it could not specify how. Leah knows, feels, fears it. As much as tries to take secret words only get silence. The waiting time is running out, and waits. Sitting. Still, nothing ever prepared for the final tortuous.
Title: Separation.
Race: Vampire
. Words: 100
Warnings: zero.
Edward / Bella da
party inspiration: Time is running out
Notes: Located at TW . When Bella and Edward are in Phoenix do not know where xD!
a hunt. Persecution. A lament. Her throat dried knowing far. Fears, in ways you never thought to fear. Feels neither invincible air. The watch in his hand a ticking continued. Phoenix wants to run, or plane, or car or anything. Run. Possibly even be faster. You can not. Despair. Anxious to hear his voice more than silence. Maybe yes. Maybe not. Is determined. Iran. Running time, not ever. Can not wait. Need holding her, kissing her lips ... just a minute. A minute lasts an eternity.
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