Thursday, October 4, 2007

AtivaÇÃo Do Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5

There are everyday words that are vilified, insulted, rubbed in the mud of the vocabulary in which simple famosillos tabloid programs, both are destroyed in its synonymy, or severed from its definition ... Take for example the much-touted, warped and manipulated (particularly there is a predilection for slights started by man-) as "ARTIST" With what ease they were flat mouth to some self-proclaimed descendants of the Muses ... or we simply equipped with something that others lack, and that a Pilgrim somewhat call art.
Well, consider the meaning of the words ARTIST. According to the RAE:
1. adj. Person who studied the arts course. College artist.
2. com. Person who exercisesa fine art.
3. com. Person endowed with virtue and necessary provision for any of the fine arts.
4. com. Person acting professionally in a theatrical, film, circus, etc.., Performing in public.
5. com. Craftsman (‖ person holding an office).
6. com. Person who does something with great perfection.

And while we continue investigating, let's see what that says about "art"
1. amb. Virtue, willingness and ability to do something.
2. amb. Expression of human activity through which they express a personal vision and selfless who plays the real or imagined plastic, linguistic or sound.
3. amb. Set of precepts andrules I need to do something.
4. amb. Skill, cunning.
5. amb. Someone's personal disposition. Good, bad art
6. amb. Instrument used for fishing. U. m. pl.
7. amb. rur. Man wheel (machine to raise water ‖).
8. amb. disuse. Book containing the rules of the Latin grammar.
9. amb. pl. Logic, physics and metaphysics.

arts course, of course, but I apasionaría discuss the definition number 9, the definition we seek is the 2: expression of human activity through which they express a personal vision and selfless who plays the real or imagined resources plastic, linguistic or sound. Thus the genuine artist is the creator above lother years, although the academy has adopted the definition and stupid nice definition: "A person who acts professionally in a theatrical, film, circus, etc.., performing in public." influenced by folk couplet singers and starlets who have marked the decline of theater as artistic self-proclaimed English as Michelangelo (Oh Yes, the Renaissance man that if he was an artist, craftsman, creator, artist, student ...), it is clear that, although I've earned it enemies is more artist a craftsman who makes leather belts, a singer who opens his mouth to release four screaming copied hundreds of "artists" before him. There is an artist who goes to a TV show to poseand in its conception, knowing who sings what she sings, as he sings, it sings, and what it can contribute to sing later, making up trying to find the essence, those who interpret putting defeating the mercenary attitude. , the poems that draw on their sentences, those who can not dance but express with your body ... And of course, is more of an artist craftsman who marketed their vases, their belts, their bottles, their hides, their views ..., that he thinks that fame is the reward of art, and has beaten the word "effort" from your vocabulary.


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